Difference between revisions of "AMOSi:Digit"

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Latest revision as of 01:51, 17 November 2007

an example can be found on AMOSPro_Tutorial:Tutorials/Interface/Editing_Zones.AMOS

Creates a simple editing zone especially for numbers. This zone allows you to enter your numbers on the screen, and edit them directly with the cursor keys. Hitting Return will enter the value into memory. It can now be read using the RDIALOG function from your Basic program.

DI zone number,x,y,width,default,flag,paper,pen

zone number = the number of your zone.

x,y are the coordinates of the start of your zone ralative to the BAse point. x will be rounded down to the nearest 16.

width enter the width of your zone in CHARACTERS.

default holds a value which will be returned as a default.

flag selects whether the default setting should be displayed in the zone. If it's zero, the value will be invisible, and if flag=1 it will be displayed as normal.

paper,pen are the colours of your text and background respectively.