Difference between revisions of "AMOSi:Hypertext"

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???<br /> or ???
{[ value ] highlighted text} or {[value,paper,pen] highlighted text}

Latest revision as of 22:54, 19 November 2007

Generates a hypertext window, similar to the help system. Your text can include either normal ascii characters, or "hypertext zones". Each zone consists of the following;

{[ value ] highlighted text} or {[value,paper,pen] highlighted text}

HT zone,x,y,width,height,textaddress,startline,buffer,paper,pen;[changes]

zone = number of your zone

x,y set the coordinates of top left hand corner of text window. x will be rounded down to the nearest multiple of 16.

width,height = the size of the display window in characters.

textaddress = address in memory of the first character in your text.

startline = the number of the first line to be displayed in your text.

buffer sets the size of an internal buffer area. Each hypertext zone requires eight bytes.

paper,pen are the colour of the ink and paper colours used by your text.

[changes] is a routine which will be called whenever the user clicks on one of your hypertext zones.