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Links on this page might or might not work.
They contain stuff that might be interesting to use or link to or urls where a website used to recide.
(for historical reasons or for finding old archived content back on internet)
==68k coding==
* [http://www.nic.funet.fi/pub/amiga/programming/asm/src/ sourcecodes / examples]
* [http://membres.lycos.fr/amycoders/sources/ #AmyCoders]
* [http://web.archive.org/web/20040901180855/membres.lycos.fr/amycoders/ #AmyCoders @ archive.org]
* [http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://ada.untergrund.net/forum/index.php ADA forum @ archive.org] (last mirror from jun 2007)
==Rare languages==
Compilers for languages that were/are rarely used.
===Modula 2===
* [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modula-2 Wikipedia article on Modula-2]
* TDI Modula 2 Amiga Compiler (1986/1987 ?)
* Benchmark Modula-2 (1988 ?)
* M2S
* [http://m2amiga.claudio.ch/ M2Amiga]
* Amiga Oberon-2 (1994 ?)
* [ftp://ftp.inf.ethz.ch/pub/software/Oberon/OberonV4/Amiga/V1.4/ Oberon4Amiga]
* Amiga Pascal (1987 ?)
* [http://www.google.nl/search?q=site%3Ahttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.matarese.com%2F+amiga some old Amiga text articles]
* [http://freenet-homepage.de/ray.tscc/index.htm ray's 16/32-bit atari page] (has some interesting 68k stuff)
==Custom regs/Hardware==
* [http://blog.frosties.org/public/amiga/RandyAGA.txt RandyAGA.txt]
* [http://www.ing-steen.se/share/amiga/uploads/AmigaHardware.guide AmigaHardware.guide by Vishnu/CRB (Cryptoburners release)]
* [ftp://ftp.back2roots.org/pub/back2roots/cds/almathera/cdpd_vol3/pd/programming/assembler/thesource/volume4/text/howtocode5.txt HowToCode5 (18 march 1993)]
* [http://zakalwe.fi/~shd/amiga-cracking/agafix-v2.html Action's Guide to AGA fixing] (this guide borrows parts of HowToCode)
* [http://members.tripod.com/whdloadrules/agafixing.html Action's Guide to AGA fixing] (this guide borrows parts of HowToCode)
* [http://thunderstorms.org/NATW/ No Amiga To Waste] (ideas/requests for Amiga software)
* [http://www.pcguru.plus.com/progterms.html Programming Terminology]
* [http://www.cucug.org/amiga/amiinfo/reviews/ProgrammingLan.txt SURVEY: Programming Languages for the Amiga]
* [http://www.control.auc.dk/~magnus/amiga/AmigaFAQ/html/AmigaFAQ_25.html AmigaFAQ 2.5 - compilers]
* [http://www.amiga.org/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=32699&forum=2]
==Open Source Amiga projects==
* [http://ignition.berlios.de/index.html Ignition] (spread-sheet application for AmigaOS 3.0+)(GNU V3 license)
* [http://www.blachford.info/blachtech/sy.html Synthesis] (BSD-style license)
==Open Sourced (non-Amiga) games==
* [http://weblogs.asp.net/bsimser/archive/2008/01/10/simcity-source-code-released-to-the-wild-let-the-ports-begin.aspx Micropolis] (=original SimCity with some changes)
* [http://www.retrocommodore.com/AmigaCD32%20games%20development.html Amiga CD32 games development]
* [http://membres.lycos.fr/amycoders/ #Amycoders website]
* [http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://membres.lycos.fr/amycoders/ #AmyCoders website in archive.org] (last real update in 2000?)
(amycoders.net and amycoders.amigascne.org never materialized?)
==Demo sources==
* [http://www.jormas.com/download/JRm-MjRl.s (2004) dA JoRMaS: Major Release]
* [http://www.crazynation.org/PC/BlitterTornado.s Blitter Tornade by ChaosLand/VD]
* [http://groups.google.com/group/comp.sys.amiga.programmer/topics comp.sys.amiga.programmer]
==Download sites==
* [http://www.nic.funet.fi/pub/amiga/programming/ Funet /Amiga/Programming]
* [ftp://ftp.back2roots.org/pub/back2roots/cds/almathera/cdpd_vol3/pd/programming/assembler/ back2roots - assembler]
* [http://www.amigau.com/c-programming/amos/amoslinks.htm Amiga University - AMOS links] (check these, although AU links are old)
* [http://www.cucug.org/amiga/amiinfo/reviews/AMOS3D.txt AMOS3D + Computer review]
* [http://web.archive.org/web/20020916221959/www.liquido2.com/news.html Incomplete archive of old AMOS Factory website]
* [http://web.archive.org/web/20020916221959/www.liquido2.com/news.html Incomplete archive of old AMOS Factory website]
* [http://web.archive.org/web/20021003190127/home8.inet.tele.dk/top_cat/amos/index.htm Old extension list at old AMOS Factory website]
* [http://web.archive.org/web/20021003190127/home8.inet.tele.dk/top_cat/amos/index.htm Old extension list at old AMOS Factory website]
Line 4: Line 99:
* [http://redump.emubase.de/lsd_search.php?col=title&q=amos Full AMOS documentation from LSD-Docs #4 online]
* [http://redump.emubase.de/lsd_search.php?col=title&q=amos Full AMOS documentation from LSD-Docs #4 online]
* [http://redump.emubase.de/lsd_view.php?id=279 AMOS documentation part 1]
* [http://redump.emubase.de/lsd_view.php?id=290 AMOS documentation part 2]
* [http://redump.emubase.de/lsd_view.php?id=301 AMOS documentation part 3]
* [http://redump.emubase.de/lsd_view.php?id=312 AMOS documentation part 4]
* [http://redump.emubase.de/lsd_view.php?id=321 AMOS the Creator version 1.2 updater] (changelog/info)
* [http://redump.emubase.de/lsd_view.php?id=321 AMOS the Creator version 1.2 updater] (changelog/info)
* [http://usuarios.iponet.es/DARDO/manual.html AMOS documentation in ???? language]
* [http://usuarios.iponet.es/DARDO/manual.html AMOS documentation in ???? language]
* [http://village.vossnet.co.uk/c/champion/projects.html Simon's Programming Project page]
* [http://www.geocities.com/TelevisionCity/Set/5111/a_index.html MegaMan's AMOS tutorial]<br />(I discovered you can get the tutorials by changing the links to end in .zip and later changing the name back to .lha)
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===C stuff===
* [http://www.warped.com/amiga/ Sas-C updates] (update not downloadable anymore)
===Assembler stuff===
* [http://kyz.mine.nu/misc/ Kyzer, some downloads]
* [http://www.cucug.org/amiga/amiinfo/reviews/Macro68.txt Review of Macro68]
* [http://membres.lycos.fr/amycoders/ #AmyCoders website]
* [http://www.ejeson.se/mahoney/index_download.php 'Pex "Mahoney" Tufvesson' website]
* [http://web.archive.org/web/20060502072526/www.lysator.liu.se/~mikaelk/src/ some source's by  Mikael Kalms]
Dead links (non-amos):
* [http://www.cybercomm.nl/~mikec/swep/main.htm Increased Developments (Audio-Visual effects using the Amiga)]
==Abandoned websites==
* [http://amiupdate.8m.com/amig_new.html AmiUpdate] (newssite, last updated 1999 ?)
Abandoned websites
* [http://amiupdate.8m.com/amig_new.html AmiUpdate] (newssite, last updated 1999 ?]
==Undead links==
* [http://web.archive.org/web/19970521121305/http://www.f1lw.demon.co.uk/amos.htm F1 LicenseWare (may 1997)]
====Old AMOS Factory links====
* [http://web.archive.org/web/19991012224017/members.xoom.com/AmosFactory/front.html http://members.xoom.com/AmosFactory/front.html (oct 1999)] (used oct 1999-aug 2001)
* [http://web.archive.org/web/20010414021920/members.nbci.com/AmosFactory/front.html http://members.nbci.com/AmosFactory/front.html (apr 2001)] (xoom was taken over by nbci?)
* [http://web.archive.org/web/20030519205453/http://users.cybercity.dk/~ccc21504/amos/front.html http://users.cybercity.dk/~ccc21504/amos/front.html (may 2003)(used jun 2000-dec 2003)]
* [http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.liquido2.com/ http://www.liquido2.com/ (aug 2002-may 2007)]
Dead links
* [http://www.radiks.net/skid/amos/ AMOS Ring mainsite] (not in archive.org)
* [http://www.liquido2.com/ Old AMOS Factory website]
* [http://members.xoom.com/AmosFactory/ Even older AMOS Factory website]
Dead Amiga portals
===680x0 related===
* [http://web.archive.org/web/20021208053105/http://www.privat.schlund.de/a/amiga/ Optimized Amiga Programming] (lots of C2P stuff, compo's etc)(last updated in 1999, last seen in 2002)
* [http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://dumbo.cryogen.ch/hrtmon/ HRTmon website] (1998/1999)
===Dead Amiga portals===
* [http://web.archive.org/web/20050407035109/http://www.amigarealm.com/ AmigaRealm (last update in jan 2005, disappeared mid/end 2005 ?)]
* [http://web.archive.org/web/20050407035109/http://www.amigarealm.com/ AmigaRealm (last update in jan 2005, disappeared mid/end 2005 ?)]
* [http://www.cucug.org/amiga.html The Amiga Web Directory] (still there, but retired, long list is removed)
* [http://www.cucug.org/amiga.html The Amiga Web Directory] (still there, but retired, long list is removed)
* [http://web.archive.org/web/20021208095153/www.amihoo.u-net.com/main.html AmiHoo]
==Real dead links==
* [http://www.radiks.net/skid/amos/ AMOS Ring mainsite] (not in archive.org)
Dead links (non-amos):
==General Amiga information==
* [http://www.cybercomm.nl/~mikec/swep/main.htm Increased Developments (Audio-Visual effects using the Amiga)]
* [http://home.comcast.net/~erniew/juggler.html Amiga Juggler Animation] (about the famous animation)
==PC effects sourcecodes==
* [http://web.archive.org/web/20030413210757/perso.wanadoo.fr/josh83/ http://www.democoding.fr.st] (PC but with sourcecodes for many 3d effects)
* [http://mitglied.lycos.de/PhoeniXHome/main.htm various effects]
* [http://web.archive.org/web/20021202083826/logarno.planet-d.net/djgfxen/ Algorithms for drawing primitives, bumpmapping, fire-effect]

Latest revision as of 16:56, 24 August 2012

Links on this page might or might not work. They contain stuff that might be interesting to use or link to or urls where a website used to recide. (for historical reasons or for finding old archived content back on internet)

68k coding

Rare languages

Compilers for languages that were/are rarely used.

Modula 2



  • Amiga Pascal (1987 ?)


Custom regs/Hardware


Open Source Amiga projects

  • Ignition (spread-sheet application for AmigaOS 3.0+)(GNU V3 license)
  • Synthesis (BSD-style license)

Open Sourced (non-Amiga) games


(amycoders.net and amycoders.amigascne.org never materialized?)

Demo sources


Download sites


  • MegaMan's AMOS tutorial
    (I discovered you can get the tutorials by changing the links to end in .zip and later changing the name back to .lha)

sites with old links

C stuff

Assembler stuff

Dead links (non-amos):

Abandoned websites

Undead links


Old AMOS Factory links

680x0 related

Dead Amiga portals

Real dead links

General Amiga information

PC effects sourcecodes