Difference between revisions of "AMOSi:Inactive List"

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(Extracted from the AMOSPro V2.00 helpfile)
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Latest revision as of 01:51, 17 November 2007

Generates a window full of items which CANNOT be selected with the mouse. These windows are fine for displaying lists of information on the screen.

IL zone number,x,y,width,height,array address,first item,flag,paper,pen;

x,y hold the coordinates of the window on the screen. x is rounded to the nearest 16.

width,height set the width and height of the list window in characters.

array address enters the address of an array which you've previously installed into your Interface program using the ARRAY and VDIALOG commands from AMOS Basic.

first item = the number of the first item in the list to be displayed.

flag = a bitmap containing two bits.

Bit 0: If it's one AMOS adds a number to each item before it's
displayed. Normally the count starts from zero.

Bit 1: Used with bit 0. It starts the count from one.

paper,pen are the colours of the item text and the window background.