Difference between revisions of "AMOS:Call Editor commands"

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Revision as of 23:47, 14 June 2008

codeequateresultreturn values
1AEd_UpMoves the cursor up one line-
2AEd_DownMoves the cursor down one line.-
3AEd_LeftMoves the cursor left one character.-
4AEd_RightMoves the cursor right one character.-
5AEd_TopPageMoves the cursor to the top of the current window.-
6AEd_BottomPageMove the cursor to the bottom of the current window.-
7AEd_WordLeftMove the cursor to the beginning of the previous word.-
8AEd_WordRightMove the cursor to the beginning of the next word.-
9AEd_PageUpMove the cursor up one page in the text.-
10AEd_PageDownMove the cursor down one page in the text.-
11AEd_StartLineMove the cursor to the start of the current line.-
12AEd_EndLineMove the cursor to the end of the current line.-
13AEd_WindowUpMoves the current window up.-
14AEd_WindowDownMoves the current window down.-
15AEd_WindowSmallerReduce the size of the current window.-
16AEd_WindowBiggerIncrease the size of the current window.-
17AEd_TopOfTextMove the cursor to the top of the text.-
18AEd_BottomOfTextMove the cursor to the end of the text.-
19AEd_ReturnPerforms a <RETURN>-
20AEd_BackSpacePerforms a <BACKSPACE>: delete one character to the left of the cursor.-
21AEd_DeletePerforms a <DELETE>: delete one character to the right of the cursor.-
22AEd_ClrLineClears the entire current line.-
23AEd_DelLineDelete the current line, and scroll up the rest of the text <CONTROL-Y>-
24AEd_TabInsert one tab <TAB>-
25AEd_SetTabSet the current tab value.PAR= new tab value.