Difference between revisions of "AMOS:Screenbase structure"

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(email from AMOS-list (1993) about the structure at Screen Base)
(Added more info and adjusted page layout slightly.)
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Date: 26 May 93 19:56:00 EST<br />
From: Andrew Church <95ACHURCH@vax.mbhs.edu><br />
Subject: Re: Screen Base<br />
Andrew D. Burton and Andy Church (email dated: 26 May 93 19:56:00 EST, from: Andrew Church <95ACHURCH@vax.mbhs.edu>, with subject: Re: Screen Base)
To: amos-list <amos-list@access.digex.net><br />
<br />
In case anyone's interested, here's all I've been able to find out
about the Screen Base structure:<br />
Here's all that we've been able to find out about the Screen Base structure:
Line 29: Line 30:
$44 | Bitplane 5
$44 | Bitplane 5
$48 | Screen mode (value of BPLCON0 custom chip register)
$48 | Screen mode (value of BPLCON0 custom chip register)
$4A | ???
$4A | ??? (value of BPLCON2 custom chip register)
$4C | Width
$4C | Width
$4E | Height
$4E | Height
Line 42: Line 43:
$5C | Y screen offset
$5C | Y screen offset
$5E | ???
$5E | ???
$60 | ???
$62 | ???
$62 | ???
$64 | Number of colors in screen (2^Depth)
$64 | Number of colors in screen (2^Depth)
$66 | Color 0
$66 | Color 0
$68 | Color 1
$68 | Color 1
|   :
$6A | Color 2
$6C | Color 3
$6E | Color 4
$70 | Color 5
$72 | Color 6
$74 | Color 7
$76 | Color 8
$78 | Color 9
$7A | Color 10
$7C | Color 11
$7E | Color 12
  :  |    :
  :  |    :
$A4 | Color 31
$A4 | Color 31
$A6 | ???
$AA | ???
$AE | Last pixel on line (for copperlist?)
$B0 | Last line of screen (for copperlist?)
$B2 | BPL1MOD & BPL2MOD value
$B4 | ???
$B6 | Dual Screen setting (yes=7, no=0)
$B8 | ???
$BA | ???
$BC | Screen number
$BE | Autoback setting
--Andy Church

Revision as of 00:42, 19 July 2008


Andrew D. Burton and Andy Church (email dated: 26 May 93 19:56:00 EST, from: Andrew Church <95ACHURCH@vax.mbhs.edu>, with subject: Re: Screen Base)


Here's all that we've been able to find out about the Screen Base structure:

Ofs | Item
$00 | Bitplane 0 (active buffer of double-buffered screen)
$04 | Bitplane 1
$08 | Bitplane 2
$0C | Bitplane 3
$10 | Bitplane 4
$14 | Bitplane 5
$18 | Bitplane 0 (first buffer)
$1C | Bitplane 1
$20 | Bitplane 2
$24 | Bitplane 3
$28 | Bitplane 4
$2C | Bitplane 5
$30 | Bitplane 0 (second buffer)
$34 | Bitplane 1
$38 | Bitplane 2
$3C | Bitplane 3
$40 | Bitplane 4
$44 | Bitplane 5
$48 | Screen mode (value of BPLCON0 custom chip register)
$4A | ??? (value of BPLCON2 custom chip register)
$4C | Width
$4E | Height
$50 | Depth
$52 | X hardware display position
$54 | Y hardware display position + $1000
    |   (actual position = Deek(Screen Base+$54)-$1000
$56 | Width of displayed area of screen in low-res pixels
    |   (2 hi-res pixels for each low-res pixel)
$58 | Height of displayed area of screen
$5A | X screen offset
$5C | Y screen offset
$5E | ???
$62 | ???
$64 | Number of colors in screen (2^Depth)
$66 | Color 0
$68 | Color 1
$6A | Color 2
$6C | Color 3
$6E | Color 4
$70 | Color 5
$72 | Color 6
$74 | Color 7
$76 | Color 8
$78 | Color 9
$7A | Color 10
$7C | Color 11
$7E | Color 12
 :  |    :
$A4 | Color 31
$A6 | ???
$AA | ???
$AE | Last pixel on line (for copperlist?)
$B0 | Last line of screen (for copperlist?)
$B2 | BPL1MOD & BPL2MOD value
$B4 | ???
$B6 | Dual Screen setting (yes=7, no=0)
$B8 | ???
$BA | ???
$BC | Screen number
$BE | Autoback setting