Amiga memory map

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Standard amount of memory in the Amiga

  • Amiga 1000 - 256 Kb chip RAM
  • Amiga 500 - 512 Kb chip RAM
  • Amiga 2000 - 512 Kb chip RAM, later 1 MB chip RAM

Memory map

* 000000-03FFFF - 256Kb of RAM 
* 000000-000100 - MC680x0 Exception Vector Assignment table  (if VBR=0)
* 000004        - Exec base (pointer to exec.library jumptable) 
* 040000-07FFFF - 256Kb of display RAM (option card) 
* 080000-1FFFFF - Do not use 
* 200000-9FFFFF - External expansion space 
* A00000-BEFFFF - Do not use 
* BFD000-BFDF00 - 8520-B (access only at EVEN byte addresses) 
* BFE001-BFEF01 - 8520-A (access only at ODD byte addresses) 
* C00000-DFEFFF - Reserved for future use 
* DFF000-DFFFFF - Special purpose chips, where the last three digits specify the chip register WORD address 
* E00000-E7FFFF - Reserved for future use - do not use 
* E80000-EFFFFF - Expansion slot decoding 
* F00000-F7FFFF - Reserved - do not use 
* F80000-FFFFFF - System ROM

Sources for this info

  • Amiga Hardware Reference Manual (1986)
  • M68000 Programmer's Reference Manual (1984,fourth edition)
  • (for standard amount of memory)