Amiga computer remade

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Revision as of 05:33, 29 June 2008 by SamuraiCrow (talk | contribs) (Recent Amiga computer clones/remakes: corrected Natami name)
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Several Amiga clones/remakes are in the works. Each with a slightly different aim, some for total compatibility, some to be faster and offer more features. Hopefully someday whe'll be able to also document which differences these make to coders. (probably especially to interest for 680x0 / hardware hitting coders)

Recent Amiga computer clones/remakes

  • NatAmi (Native Amiga)
    This reimplementation is based on implementing the features documented and described in the HRM and then expanding on it 'within the Amiga philisophy'. It is claimed to being able to display 1280x1024 in 32bit, handle bitplanes and chunky, 24bit audio and a 100 times faster blitter.

  • Clone-A
    project started oct 2005, made public in december 2006
    This project aim to totally reproduce the output of the Denise, Gary, Paula chips, CIA and later even the Agnus chip. This means you could run an Amiga on partly the original chips and part on the FPGA.

Abandoned projects

  • BoXeR
    the oldest project with the aim on AGA compatibility. However this project was abandoned and never released. Plans included an AA chipset (next gen AGA chipset) with 20x bandwidth of AGA, 32 bit blitter (up to 20x faster), Unified Memory Architecture, 16-bit sound, HD floppy drive support)

  • Phase5's amiga-clone projects
    (see for detailed info on these)
    • A\Box
      was a clone developer by Phase5. It did however not emulate the custom chips, so whether it's a 'clone' is debatable. It was announced in 1996 and in the beginning of 1998 they announced it was postphoned. Unfortunately in 1999 they admitted it had been cancelled and in january 2000 Phase5 filed for liquidation proceedings.
    • Pre\Box