AMOSi:Screen Copy

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an example can be found on AMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-3/Help_39.AMOS

Copies a selected area of the screen from one place to another, using the Amiga's amazing Blitter Chip.

Screen Copy screen1 To screen2

Copies an entire screen.

screen1 holds the source image

screen2 sets the number of the destination screen.

Screen Copy screen1,tx,ty,bx,by To screen2,sx,sy,mode

Copies just part of a screen.

tx,ty enter the coordinates of the top left of the source image

bx,by specify the point diagonally opposite.

sx,sy choose the top left-hand coordinates of the destination.

Screen Copy screen1,tx,ty,bx,by To screen2,sx,sy,mode

Copies using a special blitter mode.

Try mode values like: %11100000, %00110000, %01100000