AMOSi:Run Until

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Revision as of 02:45, 17 November 2007 by Spellcoder (talk | contribs) (Extracted from the AMOSPro V2.00 helpfile)
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an example can be found on AMOSPro_Tutorial:Tutorials/Interface/Simple_requester.AMOS

Holds the dialogue box on the screen until a specified list of conditions have been met.

RU delay,flags;

delay is a time period in 50th's of a second. If it's greater than zero,the Interface program will automatically terminate after your chosen interval.

flags set the condition to be tested, using a simple bitmap.

Bit 0 Clears all current keypresses
Bit 1 Clears the status of the mouse buttons Bit 2 Exits whenever a key is pressed on the keyboard Bit 3 Quits when a mousekey is clicked