AMOSi:Double Precision Info

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We only got Double Precision working very near the end of the project, too late for the User Guide! So there's something else you need to know:

Single and Double don't mix!

Imagine you've just loaded in your favourite sine scroller and want to make it even more accurate with the new Double Precision feature of AMOS Pro. To do this you need to add the SET DOUBLE PRECISION command at the top of your program and then (and this is the new bit), you need to retokenise the program using the accessory which is available from the User menu.

The retokeniser changes all the single precision numbers in your program into double precision. This needs to be done because single to double precision conversions would have to happen during your program. These conversions are not very accurate and take longer to work out. So it's best to have the same precision throughout your program. You could run a mixture of the two precisions but you'll lose accuracy.