AMOSi:Cut And Paste

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Revision as of 22:32, 21 November 2007 by Spellcoder (talk | contribs)
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  • [Control]+[B] Activate/Deactivate block mode.
  • [Control]+[A] Select entire program.

  • [Control]+[S] Store block in memory and leave block on screen.
  • [Control]+[C] Cut block. Erase from screen and load into memory.
  • [Control]+[P] Paste block at current cursor position.
  • [Control]+[F] Deselect block, remove highlighting.

  • [Control]+[Shift]+[P] Print block
  • [Control]+[Shift]+[S] Save block.
  • [Control]+[Shift]+[A] Save block in Ascii format.