AMOS:Music Bank format

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This bank has the name "Music" and is created with various conversion utilities shipped with AMOS.

To be wikified:

The file format of AMOS music banks.

by Stuart Caie <>

First draft, 25 March 2003.

As I haven't yet written a complete converter/player based on the
information here, there may be minor technical inaccuracies.

This information is based on the AMOS-format music player in the AMOS 1.3
music extension, and the GMC to AMOS, Sonix to AMOS and SoundTracker to
AMOS converter programs provided with AMOS 1.3. François Lionet originally
intended to release an AMOS music tracker (like SoundTracker) which would
support all the SoundTracker commands, but by AMOS 1.34 he had given up
trying to to compete with SoundTracker and NoiseTracker, and simply
included a real tracker replay in the AMOS music extension (based on the
Startrekker 1.2 replayer), in addition to the standard AMOS music player.

The format is divided into the following sections:
- Standard AMOS bank header
- main header
- instruments data
- songs data
- patterns data

All multi-byte integers are big-endian.

Because the player uses offsets in the main header to find out where the
instruments data, songs data and patterns data are, they might not be
consecutive or even in the order given.

The standard AMOS bank header may be truncated, depending on whether it's
a file on disk, it's ripped from an AMOS compiled program, or it's badly
ripped. The largest format, a normal file on disk, is as follows:
- 0x00: 4 bytes: "AmBk" ID
- 0x04: 2 bytes: bank number (1-15 -- should be 3 for AMOS music)
- 0x06: 2 bytes: 0 for CHIP mem bank, 1 for FAST mem bank
- 0x08: 4 bytes: bits27-0=bank length, bit31=try fastmem, bit30=try chipmem
- 0x0C: 8 bytes: bank name (which will be "Music   " in this case)
- 0x14: x bytes: [the above-counted bank length, minus 8]

Other noted standard AMOS bank header variants include:
- starting from 0x08 of the disk format (i.e. beginning with bank length)
- starting from 0x0C of the disk format (i.e. beginning with "Music   ")

- 0x00: 4 bytes: offset to instruments data
- 0x04: 4 bytes: offset to songs data
- 0x08: 4 bytes: offset to patterns data
- 0x0C: 4 bytes: always 0
- 0x10: SIZEOF
- All offsets are from the start of this header, not the start of the
  AMOS standard header. Use these offsets! The instruments, songs and
  patterns data may be in any order.

- 0x00: 2 bytes: number of instruments
- 0x02: 0x20 * number of instruments: instrument data
- after the instrument data, raw sample data. The SoundTracker to AMOS
  converter also inserts 4 bytes of zeros for the non repeating samples.

- 0x00: 4 bytes: offset (from start of instruments data section) of
                 the sample data for this instrument.
- 0x04: 4 bytes: offset (from start of instruments data section) of the
                 repeating section of this instrument's sample data.
                 If the sample doesn't repeat, this will point to either
                 4 or 2 bytes of zeros.
- 0x08: 2 bytes: In a repeating sample, this is the offset of the repeating
                 part (in 4-byte longwords, from the start of the sample
                 data for that sample). In a non-repeating sample, it is
                 the length of the sample (in 2-byte words).
- 0x0A: 2 bytes: length (in 2-byte words) of repeating section of sample data.
                 If the sample doesn't repeat, this will either be 2 or 1.
- 0x0C: 2 bytes: default volume of sample, from 0x00 (min) to 0x40 (max).
                 As this is copied raw from mods, it may also accidentally
                 include a Protracker finetune value in the MSB. The AMOS
                 player does not acknowledge the finetune value.
- 0x0E: 2 bytes: sample length (in 2-byte words) - WARNING, this may often
                 be set incorrectly in AMOS songs (to a value like 2 or 4).
- 0x10: 16 bytes: sample name (ASCII text, padded with spaces or nulls)
- 0x20: SIZEOF

- to find the true length of a sample, it is necessary to take all sample
  offsets and sort them into order. Each sample's length is that of its
  offset subtracted from the offset of the next sample. For the final sample,
  its offset should be subtracted from the overall length of the instruments
  data block (which will be the offset of the instruments block subtracted
  from the offset of the section following it, or the overall length of the
  file if no other section follows it).

- 0x00: 2 bytes: number of songs.
- 0x02: number of songs * 4 bytes: offsets (from start of songs data) to
                                   song data, one for each song.

- 0x00: 2 bytes: offset (from song data) to channel 0 playlist
- 0x02: 2 bytes: offset (from song data) to channel 1 playlist
- 0x04: 2 bytes: offset (from song data) to channel 2 playlist
- 0x06: 2 bytes: offset (from song data) to channel 3 playlist
- 0x08: 2 bytes: default tempo, 1-100, default is 17. not used by player!
- 0x0A: 2 bytes: seems to be unused
- 0x0C: 16 bytes: name of song (ASCII text, padded with spaces or nulls)
- 0x1C: 4 playlists, at the offsets given. USE THE OFFSETS, sometimes
        they're not consecutive or in order.

- A playlist is a sequence of 2-byte words, giving the list of patterns to
  play in order for that channel. The patterns start from 0 and go up to
  however many patterns there are. The list is terminated with 0xFFFE. Each
  channel has its own set of patterns, so pattern 0 on channel 0 is not the
  same as pattern 0 on channel 1.

- 0x00: 2 bytes: number of patterns
- 0x02: 8 bytes * number of patterns: channel pattern offsets.
- each pattern is defined 4 times, once per channel.

- 0x00: 2 bytes: offset (from patterns data) to this pattern for channel 0
- 0x02: 2 bytes: offset (from patterns data) to this pattern for channel 1
- 0x04: 2 bytes: offset (from patterns data) to this pattern for channel 2
- 0x06: 2 bytes: offset (from patterns data) to this pattern for channel 3
- 0x08: SIZEOF

- A pattern is a series of 2-byte word commands and notes. Commands appear
  first, and are executed immediately. When a note appears, processing for
  the pattern has finished for that vertical blank, and processing will
  re-commence after that note once the delay counter (see the delay command)
  has elapsed. Unlike SoundTracker, there can be any number of commands per
  note, although generally it's not useful, as repeating the same command
  again and again would simply overwrite its value.

- A command has bit 15 set ($8000-$FFFF).
  Notes do not have bit 15 set ($0000-$7FFF).

- In a note, all that matters is bits 12 to 0 ($000-$FFF). This, like
  Soundtracker, is an Amiga note period (audXper). When a note is triggered,
  the current note volume is set to the default volume for the instrument
  being played. A note cannot be played before the first "set instrument"
  command, as notes do not implicitly have an instrument associated with them.

- Each command has a parameter, although many commands don't need and
  therefore ignore their parameter. The command value is the bits 14 to 8
  of each word, the parameter value is bits 7 to 0.

- All "effect" commands which have a lasting effect, between notes are
  assumed to continue running forever until they are changed to another
  effect, or stopped with the "stop effect" command. A channel can only
  run one effect. So if AMOS did a "shift down" command, a "delay" of 14
  and then a "stop effect", the equivalent in SoundTracker would be to
  repeat the portamento down command 14 times, once in each position,
  and positions after that would simply have the empty arpeggio command (000).

- There is no implicit delay of one position between commands or notes, as
  there is in SoundTracker. Instead, a "delay" (0x10) command must be executed.

- Other than the "set tempo" and "low pass filter on/off" commands, the
  effect of every command is limited to the channel it runs on.

- After clearing the top bit, the commands are as follows:

  - 0x00: end of pattern: Advance to the next pattern in the playlist.
          Also stops any currently running effects like the "stop effect"
          command. Unlike SoundTracker, each channel is independant and
          could potentially change patterns at a different time for each
          channel. Fortunately, most AMOS tunes are converted from tracker
          music and GMC music, so therefore don't do that.

  - 0x01: old slide up: not supported by player. identical to slide up?

  - 0x02: old slide down: not supported by player. identical to slide down?

  - 0x03: set volume: Sets the volume of the note currently playing
          to the value given by the parameter, range 0 to 63 (64, the valid
          maximum Amiga volume, is surprisingly not supported by the player,
          and will be rounded down to 63). This is equivalent to the
          SoundTracker "C" command.

  - 0x04: stop effect: Stops an currently running effect. No parameter.

  - 0x05: repeat: If the parameter is 0, this is the "repeat mark". If
          The parameter is non-zero, the position in the pattern should
          jump back to the repeat mark for the number of times given by
          the parameter. This is equivalent to the Protracker "E50" and
          "E6x". As far as I know, it is not present in SoundTracker.
          The Soundtracker to AMOS converter does not use it.

  - 0x06: low-pass filter on: Equivalent to the SoundTracker "E01" command.

  - 0x07: low-pass filter off: Equivalent to the SoundTracker "E00" command.

  - 0x08: set tempo: sets the tempo of replay. The parameter is between 1
          and 100. AMOS has a different tempo system from SoundTracker.
          SoundTracker's speed is a number between 1 and 255, and that is
          the number of vertical blanks between advancing one position in
          the pattern. AMOS instead has a counter that has the tempo value
          added to it once per vertical blank. When the counter is greater
          or equal to 100 (or 120 for NTSC), AMOS advances the position and
          reduces the counter by 100 (or 120 for NTSC).
          This gives an average SoundTracker speed of (100/tempo) at 50Hz
          or (120/tempo) at 60Hz, which gives a (tempo/2) Hz change in
          position, regardless of frame rate. This is quite nice, but as
          timing is still in 50 or 60Hz multiples, it's possible that
          instruments may sound fractionally out of time -- for example,
          tempo=17 gives 8 positions advance every 6 vertical blanks, and
          then the 9th position advances after 5 vertical blanks.

          To convert from SoundTracker speeds to AMOS tempos, the converter
          uses the formula: amos_tempo = 100 / soundtracker_speed
          That's not an accurate conversion, and conversion back is even
          more fun. For simple conversion, I recommend the following roughly
          accurate speeds:
            AMOS tempo:    SoundTracker speed:
              1              100 (F64) *
              2              50  (F32) *
              3              33  (F21) *
              4              25  (F16)
              5              20  (F14)
              6              17  (F11)
              7              14  (F0E)
              8              12  (F0C)
              9              11  (F0B)
              10             10  (F0A)
              11             9   (F09)
              12             8   (F08)
              13-15          7   (F07)
              16-18          6   (F06)
              19-22          5   (F05)
              23-28          4   (F04)
              29-40          3   (F03)
              41-66          2   (F02)
              67-100         1   (F01)

          * the first three speeds are not possible with Protracker, as it
            uses Fxx commands with a parameter of 32 or more as the CIA BPM
            timer rather than the vertical blank timer.

  - 0x09: set instrument: Sets the instrument that the next note command
          will use. Parameter is from 0 (first instrument) to the last

  - 0x0A: arpeggio: Causes the current instrument to be played as an
          arpeggio chord. The parameter is broken into the upper 4 bits
          and lower 4 bits. The arpeggio chord played will be current note,
          current note with pitch raised by [upper 4 bits] halftones,
          current note with pitch raised by [lower 4 bits] halftones. This
          is an effect and will continue until a new effect, or change
          of pattern. Equivalent to SoundTracker "0" command.
  - 0x0B: tone portamento: Causes the currently playing note to slide towards
          the pitch of the next playing note. This is an effect and will
          continue until a new effect, or change of pattern. Equivalent
          to the SoundTracker "3" command.

  - 0x0C: vibrato: Causes the currently playing note to alter in pitch
          according to a sine wave. The upper 4 bits of the parameter
          give the speed of the vibrato and the lower 4 bits give the
          depth. This is an effect and will continue until a new effect, or
          change of pattern. Equivalent to the SoundTracker "4" command.

  - 0x0D: volume slide: Raises or lowers the volume of the currently playing
          note. The parameter is divided into the upper 4 bits and lower
          4 bits. The upper 4 bits give a number between 0 and 15. If the
          number is between 1 and 15, the volume will be raised by that
          amount every vertical blank. If the upper 4 bits give the value 0,
          then the lower 4 bits are considered. If they are between 1 and 15,
          the volume will be lowered by that amount each vertical blank.
          Equivalent to Soundtracker "A" command.

  - 0x0E: portamento up: Raises the pitch of the currently playing note by
          decreasing the note period by the amount given by the parameter
          every vertical blank, to the lowest period of 113. This is an effect
          and will continue until a new effect, or change of pattern.
          Equivalent to SoundTracker "1" command.

  - 0x0F: portamento down: Lowers the pitch of the currently playing note by
          increasing the note period by the amount given by the parameter
          every vertical blank, to the highest period of 856. This is an
          effect and will continue until a new effect, or change of pattern.
          Equivalent to SoundTracker "2" command.

  - 0x10: delay: States that after the current list of commands and final
          note has been played, the channel will wait for the number of
          positions given as the parameter before executing any more
          commands and notes. Each note should have this.

  - 0x11: position jump: changes the position in the song to that which
          is given as the parameter (position 0 = start of song), then
          performs the same as an end of pattern command. Equivalent to
          SoundTracker "B" command.