680x0:Opening a library

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Revision as of 23:32, 31 October 2007 by Spellcoder (talk | contribs) (Example on how to open a library (ripped from my old tutorial))
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This is a example on how to open a library:
(with the Library Vector Offsets added so you won't need to use any includes yet)

OldOpenLibrary	= -408		; OldOpenLibrary(libName)(A1)
OpenLibrary	= -552		; OpenLibrary(libName,version)(A1,D0)
CloseLibrary	= -414		; CloseLibrary(library)(A1)

	move.l	$4.w,a6		; Get the value at position $4 in memory
				; This value is the base of exec.library

	lea	LibName(pc),a1	; libName must be in A1
	moveq	#0,d0		; version must be in D0
	jsr	OpenLibrary(a6)	; Call the OpenLibrary function

	; OldOpenLibrary looks if the library is in memory (or ROM)
	; and loads it if nessesary.
	; Then it returns the base of graphics.library in d0

	move.l	d0,libbase	; Store the base

	; Closelibrary needs the base of the library
	; (the address given to you in D0 by OpenLibrary)
	; to close the library

	move.l	libbase,a1	; Get the base
	jsr	CloseLibrary(a6)


libname:	dc.b	'dos.library',0
libbase:	dc.l	$00000000