AmigaCoding logbook

From Amiga Coding
Revision as of 10:35, 5 August 2012 by Spellcoder (talk | contribs)
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This logbook contains information like:

  • technical updates
  • hosting stuff
  • permissions
  • larger content stuff


  • 5 aug - Updated from MediaWiki v1.17beta1 to MediaWiki v1.19.1
  • 26 apr - a few tweaks done which hopefully also aid in slowing down spam
  • 14 jan - added more blacklisted phrases against the ever increasing wiki spam


  • 2 jun - added custom spam prevention measures and added more blacklisted phrases
  • .. may - added some blacklisted phrases (ones that worked good)
  • 29 may - account creation now requires typing over a Captcha (against spam)
  • 27 may - some more blacklisted phrases and urls against spam
  • 25 may - some more blacklisted phrases added against spam
  • 24 may - in an attempt to protect against the massive incoming waves of spam, enabled proxy blocking, added blacklisting by regular expression and added my own blacklisted urls to SpamBlackList
  • 19 may - installed the SpamBlackList extension (which doesn't allow saving an article if it includes a banned URL)
  • 17 may - Updated from MediaWiki v1.12 to v1.17beta1
  • 10 feb - bad luck struck again, had to make a change to the DNS settings and the website should be reachable again soon
  • 1 feb - database was corrupt, might have been since 3 days ago. Manually fixing failed, problem solved five minutes after mailing my webhost :).


  • 9 apr - trying again to solve the out of memory after saving a page. might have to update mediawiki


  • not as eventfull as last year due to personal circumstances

2008 May

  • 17 may - uploaded the 'AMOSPro collection'
  • 17 may - added .7z as allowed filetype and increased max filesize of uploads
  • 17 may - manually updated MediaWiki from 1.11.1 to 1.12.0

2008 Jan/Feb/Mar/Apr

  • 4 apr - website seems to be running at full speed again
  • 2 apr - redirect from old URL to new to purge old URL from searchengines and help people use the correct address (with 301: Permanent Redirect)
  • 1 apr - submitted support ticket at webhost (because website has been slow for at least a week)
  • 24 mar - added syntax highlighting for code
  • 7 mar - got permission from Kyzer to use his articles on AMOS File Formats
  • 1 feb - moved to another hosting account/server (better speed/uptime, no redirecting of url)
  •  ? - added the text from 'A potted history of AMOS' to AMOS:History
  • ...

2007 December

  •  ? - Amos Optimalization list integrated into the WIKI
  • ...

2007 November

  • 20 nov - Finished with getting the AMOShelp into the WIKI !! :D
  • 19 nov - Some more converting and fixing
  • 18 nov - By hand converting lists and tables in AMOShelp pages
  • 17 nov - Visited a performance of the C64 orchestra + C-Men in the evening, so couldn't finish up today
  • 17 nov - Converted and imported the AMOShelp into the AmigaCoding WIKI
  • 17 nov - AMOShelp 2 WIKI convert script seems ready for first usage
  • 10 nov - asked and got permission from Chris Hodges to use the content from the AMCAF AmigaGuide/AMOSHelpfile in the WIKI
  • 8 nov - My presentation for my study

2007 October

  • 21 oct - installed Google Analytics
  • 19 oct - finally got DNS setup correctly for Google Apps
  • 15 oct - installed measures to prevent spambots
  • 13 oct - put back the persons namespace, accidently removed while adding C and Blitz (+fixed in database)
  • 13 oct - Got permission from Francois Lionet to use the helpfile and publish whatever I want (including AMOS itself)
  • 12 oct - Emailed Francois Lionet to request permission for using helpfile content in the WIKI
  • 12 oct - wrote a PHP script to read the AMOSPro helpfiles
  • 1 oct - improved look of main page with CSS

2007 September

  • 27 sep - added a C and Blitz namespace
  • 27 sep - posted link on AMOS factory website
  • 26 sep - started adding some knowledge from AMOS-list (1993) to the WIKI
  • 25 sep - posted link on amos-list
  • 23 sep - Added 'Persons' namespace
  • 18 sep - fixed namespaces (config and database), .htaccess
  • 17 sep - fixed DNS, starting on first tutorial
  • 12 sep - domainname can be activated
  • 11 sep - requested registering of
  • 10 sep - setup MediaWiki + 680x0 and AMOS namespaces
  • 9 sep - Remembered my plans for an Amiga related codingsite after both an amos-list post (about an AMOS database) and EAB post (about learning 680x0 asm) on the same day