AMOS:Help file format

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AMOSPro Helpfiles exist of a .map and .txt file.

The .map file

  • the map file contains the list of all identifiers and length of the article
  • the txt file contains all the articles in the same order as the list in the map file

The .txt file

  • contains all articles without any way to seperate them
  • the first line of each article is used as title in the AMOS help accessory

  • links are format as
    • link to a file: {[Rarticle]label} -> example: {[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-3/Help_31.AMOS,0,4]Border}
    • link to an article: {[Iarticle]label} -> example: {[IHelpMC ,4,3] Machine code }

  • incorrectly closed link tags with a missing } are shown correctly by the AMOShelp system
    (the AMCAF helpfile misses all } endtags)

General stuff

article identifiers

  • case-insensitive (must be all uppercase in mapfile)
  • can't contain spaces/Users/spellcoder/www/PROJECTS/AmigaCoding/articles.xml
  • in the link you can however use spaces, ALL spaces will be ignored (at the beginning, end and middle)

Inner working of the AMOSPro_Help.AMOS accessory

  • The viewer (AMOSPro_Help.AMOS) specs/limitations
    • 80 chars per line
    • fixed-width font

  • The help texts (conventions)
    • the AMOS articles use extra spaces to get lines of the same length (justified alignment)
    • code is idented with 8 spaces

  • articles are found by looking for the longest match in the .map file