Guru codes

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The gurus are divided into two kinds:

  1. Software failures
  2. System software failures

Software failures

Software failure. Press left mouse button to continue.

Guru Meditation #00000003.000027D2

Trap numbers

2Bus error(hardware)
3Adress error(word access on odd byte boundary - frequent!)
4Illegal instruction
5Divide by zero
6CHK instruction
7TRAPV instruction
8Privelege violation
AOpcode 1010 emulation
BOpcode 1111 emulation
20-2FTRAP instruction

System software failures

Not enough memory. Press left mouse button to continue.

Guru Meditation #02010009.0007D6B8

Here it's different. The first number is divided into three parts: A, B, and C. A is the two first bytes, B is the next two bytes, and finally C is the four last bytes.

A(affected part of the system-software)

1Exec library
2Graphics library
3Layers library
4Intuition library
5Maths library
6Clist library
7AmigaDOS library
8RAM Handler library
9Icons library
10Audio device
11Console device
12Game-port device
13Keyboard device
14Trackdisk device
15Timer device
20CIA resource
21Disk resource
22Misc resource

B(general cause)

1No memory
2Unable to creat library
3Unable to open library
4Unable to open device
5Unable to open resource
6Input/Output error

Part C is viewable in the Exec.library-instruction alert. This allocates more specific where in the system-software-part the problem is.

The numbers after the dot is the adress in the memory where the failure appeared.